Termagant Fun! (Part 3)

 Inspired by the recent distraction caused by the old school Hunter Screamer I recently painted, I felt compelled to paint up a few more Termagants. Since the last time I dabbled on these guys it only netted me a single fully painted model. Well now I have a...

Classic Hunter Screamer Lives!

 Primed to scream and shout.. With the announcement of Warhammer 40,000  10th edition, we were shown some of the new models. One of the most impressive models that stood out from the rest was the new Hunter Screamer which was inspired by the original...

Nurgling Ripper Rider (Objective Marker)

Giddy up!Just like the title says, it's a nurgling riding a tyranid ripper. One of the more amusing things to come from the wilderness of 3D printing. Luckily the ever resourceful Warfrog got one of these for me. And after the initial laughter subsided it occurred to...

World Eaters Jakhals (Part 1)

 Here is a series I had hoped to kick off back in February, but due to the tedious assembly time I only just this week managed to finish building these guys. Granted, my free time is sparse to say the least and this kit did a fine job consuming it. The first...

Feeling Khorney (Part 13)

 Part 13? Crikey, this one has gone on for a bit huh? Well, I have completed (sans decals and grass tufts)  three more of the "dancers & prancers" Khorne Berserkers. These are the models from the 20-ish year old kit. Which I started working on many...