BMD-1 Chimera and first paratrooper finished!!

What do you think of my first weathering powder attempt? too much? too little? As you can see, I have used some weathering powders.After all my problems with painting cleanly before, it turns out the paints I were using were too liquidy or didn't have enough pigmens....

VDV Paratrooper Imperial guard progress.

I'll let the pics speak for themselves. I think you now get the gist of my goal. Ps never greenstuffed before. I cut the hands fingers griping the Lasguns of and stuck it on a greenstuff wrist and thumb I made. I really need a tripod... The heads...look a little...

Russian heads have arrived + Feindflug

As you can see, the 'heroic' scaled games worskhop Cadian faces are wider, and the helmet itself far more chunky than the Russian heads. They look alright on the soldiers body. And hopefully a lot better when finished.Tomorrow I just need to buy greenstuff and...

Battle testing, Mil-Mi 24 Test colour scheme.

Midgame. SO many things exploded. Hello.Had a couple of battles. I have now tested my 1000pt VDV army list.It seems to perform well. I have no problem killing tanks at least, the army having a vendetta and 9X Melta guns. I played a non conventional game: My...

I am return

I replaced the machine gun with a multilaser. now it's Imperial Guard lol.Hallo Kameraden. Been working and cathcing up with friends. Instead of making warhammer when I should be studying ;)Now Uni's back, Warhammer is back.Progress is (just today actually) some...