Conquest: Moar Dragonslayers

 Finishing those five stands of Thanes left me spares to make an additional stand of Dragonslayers:These have been left unglued from the stand so they can be used in First Blood; a couple of the local guys have decided to get into this too now haha.

On Bloody Ground: Mounted Milities and done!

 Finished up the last unit for my Normans in On Bloody Ground:A second regiment of Norman heavy cavalry to round out my force ready for our demo day on Saturday; Quite a few people are coming along and we should have 9/10 armies available to game with so it...

On Bloody Ground: Mounted Milities!

 Finally on to the Norman Knights, the Mounted Milities!These are from Victrix same as the rest of the plastics so far, the next unit of them i have is from Conquest Games, they are a bit older but I've been a fan of the range for many years having faced them in...

On Bloody Ground: Moar Stippendari!

 This is the last of my current infantry blocks finished, 20 Stippendari mercenaries!Time to start on all the Knights now, 24 of the buggers to do haha

Conquest: Hold Thanes!

Back to Ea for some reinforcements to my Dweghom army for Conquest! A large unit of Hold Thanes to accompany my Hold Raegh hero into battle:I have a few other bits on order for the force and then will be rounding it out with that Hellbringer Drake and Sorcerer hehe.