The Men Who Would Be Kings: Second Paraguayan Infantry

Busy busy this last week, I've not had any time to pick up a paint brush since last Monday! Here is my second unit of Regular Infantry for my Paraguayan army for MWWBK:My flags have also arrived now so in addition to getting this unit done i went back and added the...

The Men Who Would Be Kings: War of the Triple Alliance Project

So this is the start of one of my two big historical based gaming projects for the year, the War of the Triple Alliance! First unit of Paraguayans that will be regular infantry in the game: I'm still waiting on my flags to arrive from Flags of War so cant have...

Man O War: Khorne and Slaanesh Fleets

First completed project of the year... Till i get round to sorting out the sails with transfers or paper sails hehe:Khorne Death GalleysKhorne Iron SharksKhorne BloodshipSlaanesh Death GalleysSlaanesh HellshipSlaanesh HellrammersSlaanesh Hell SlicersAt some point i...

Happy New Years and welcome to 2023!

Happy New Years people! Hopefully this year will see more painting and blog content from me, I've struggled with free time a lot this year as I've taken on more stuff from work and ongoing things at home.I managed to paint 636 models in 2022, covering a lot of...

A Song of Ice and Fire: Rhllor Queens Men!

Rounding out a year of painting with my last Baratheon models, a second unit of Rhllor Queens Men:Like the lightbringers i did a few weeks ago i wanted them to start apart on the board but also link in with the rest of the predominantly yellow Stannis side of the...