He-Man Miniatures Games: Masters Wave 1

Digging down the cupboard of opportunity and I've reached the two boxes of the MoTU game expansions i bought a few months ago, here are the Masters:Sorceress and TeelaPortalsI shall be starting on the Evil Warriors tomorrow, and have a game planned for a couple of...

Star Wars Legion: AA5 Speeder Bus

Finished off the speeder bus for my Shadow Collective today:Not the most exciting model to paint haha, but I've given it the Maul treatment slightly... i didn't fancy doing the full crests or extra spikes but im happy enough with it.

Star Wars Legion: Swoop Bike Riders

Delving further into the cupboard of opportunity we have these Swoop Bike Riders for my Shadow Collective army: Trickier to paint and also to use than the units i already have, but with such a limited selection of models i wanted to have at least one of each...

Man o War: Bane Tower of Tzeentch

 A few of the guys have decided to take a trip down nostalgia lane and get some games in of 90s classic Man o War haha!I've decided to pick up a Chaos Fleet as i never had one the first time round in 1993, and first up is the glorious Bane Tower of Tzeentch:Bask...