Horus Heresy: Second Headhunter Kill Team

Finished these guys last night but needed the inks to dry before basing!That's both my Kill Teams finished so its on to the Heavy Support Squad next, and when some bits from ebay arrive the hated sword praetor can become Exodus!

Horus Heresy: Headhunter Kill Team

Finished up my first Headhunter Kill Team today:I used a squad of the beakies from the big box (Got another team on the go!) with some Kromlech parts to give them different bolters and a multi melta for that sweet infiltrating justice haha.I'm really enjoying painting...

Horus Heresy: Praetor completed

 A quick conversion on the axe guy the HH box and a far more suitable model emerged! I cut off the axe blade, added a sword blade to make a spear then binned the cloak and greenstuff repaired the left shoulder pad... sorted!

Horus Heresy: Second Tactical Squad

With the Pike and Shotte finished off i can now hit the Alpha Legion for a while to try and get a playable force ASAP! Here's my second Tactical Squad ready for action:Next up will be a Praetor and the Contemptor for a bit of variety i think!