The Old World: Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

Time for a proper fighter in the army with a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount:The Karkadrak kit from AoS, its a little large for TOW but will do until i can get the more recent Lord model.

Pacific Rim: Apex Drone

 I printed out another Kaiju Drone but this time i decided to paint it up as Apex from the superb Netflix show "The Black"Its not quite an exact match but its close enough and portrays suitable menace haha

The Old World: Chaos Heroes

Rounding out my next 500pt block are an Aspiring Champion with Battle Standard and an Exalted Sorcerer:These AoS models fit perfectly fine on the new 30mm bases, and im looking forward to using them in a couple of games this week!

The Old World: Chaos Marauders

 Its been hard to find any decent painting time this last week but finally got this unit completed today:I converted a load of cheap Khorne Bloodreavers with some ebay purchase flails and boom! All done... averting disaster on route as i had them finished earlier...

The Old World: Chaos Spawn!

 Next unit complete for my chaos hordes is a block of four Chaos Spawn:I decided to paint these in a roughly Slaanesh scheme as i will be running them with the Mark of Slaanesh for that sweet always strikes first hehe... too good to pass up! Although the...