Dataslate: Chaos Helbrute – A Review

Hot off the presses and hot on heels of the new Helbrute kit we have the Helbrute Dataslate. Being a long-term Chaos Space Marine player, with a penchant for the slightly crazed, and considering that the Helbrute kit is really rather good (see my previous review for...

Chaos Space Marine Helbrute – A Review

So, the new Helbrute kit is out and what a magnificent little menagerie of plastic it is! First up the standard box art shots is very much what we’ve come to expect of Games Workshop boxes these days: a nicely painted model on the front (in the new Crimson...

Play It Fun

Play. It. Fun. Three words, and a simple message, but for me at least they mark the beginning of a journey to reconnect with the roots of why I got into this fantastic hobby of ours in the first place. “Fine”, you might say, “but why, Rob, are you...