Painting Exhibitions: Bloodcrushers

Painting Exhibitions: Bloodcrushers

Preface Here's the pack of the Bloodcrushers of Khorne, Sans one. Note the names - they're named after mine and my friend's pets! Strika is converted to carry an axe, which identifies him as the lesser rewarded squad leader.The ListBloodthirster of Khorne with...
Anecdotal Evidence and its place in 40k.

Anecdotal Evidence and its place in 40k.

Preface If any of you are reading from Dakkadakka, you might remember I had a signature saying for a long time. For those of you unfamiliar, it is this:Anecdotal evidence is fallacious at best, don't use it to prove points that aren't true.In this post, I'll be...
Painting Exhibitions: Bloodletters

Painting Exhibitions: Bloodletters

Preface 20 Blood letters to deepstrike onto the board and then remove almost immediately. God, T3 with a 5++ sucks sometimes. The ListBloodthirster of Khorne with Exalted Reward and Greater RewardHerald of Khorne with Exalted Reward on Juggernaut2 Heralds of...
Consistency lines

Consistency lines

Preface Hey guys, hope you've been enjoying your reading so far. A while ago, I read Reecius' opening review for the Astra Militarum codex. He wrote something that's run with me for a while, and something I decided I'd finally post about here. The quote in...