The Adepticon 2014 Aftermath

The Adepticon 2014 Aftermath

SeerK here wiith a very delayed report on Adepticon 2014.  I Actually managed to make it to Adepticon despite my 70 hour work week and jam packed schedule.  12 hour days and a 2 hour round trip drive everyday has killed my hobbying time and as you can see my...
ALL HANDS ON DECK! Ships Of the Rense pt1

ALL HANDS ON DECK! Ships Of the Rense pt1

“Upon acceptance into the Rense System Navy, Dindrenzi main fleet officers are assigned to one of the many Frigate squadrons that make up the outer echelons of a Rense Navy task force. Would be Captains and aspiring admirals have all had their first commands and...
The Storm Begins:  The Rense System Navy

The Storm Begins: The Rense System Navy

SeerK Here. Well February has been a busy month for everybody. Sorry for the lack of updates. Jobhunting and gaming malaise has left me doing a lot of stuff other than writing. Although we will still be covering 40K on occasion, we are kind of changing gears on...
Time To Take A step Back….

Time To Take A step Back….

Well it happened.  Between the malaise at the shop and the fallout from the LVO that is hitting the interwebs, I officially requested a refund for the GT at Adepticon.  Well I should say I switched to the Exterminatus event first and now I sent the...
My Road To Adepticon: Making The GT List

My Road To Adepticon: Making The GT List

SeerK here.  Well despite the 40K malaise that has over taken many, I am still soldiering on.  I have been at this for 20 plus years so I guess I am just to old and set in my ways to quit.  I have been contemplating what to bring the Adepticon 40k...