by slayersamelia | Apr 3, 2012
With the club Campaign in full swing and the Bristol Vanguard "Vanquish" tournament out of the way, it is time to get going on my Flesh Tearers proper!I have a few build ideas for them army-wise - the first being the death company/storm raven/drop pod army and the...
by slayersamelia | Mar 1, 2012
This Tuesday's games club was the first solo outing for my 1750pt Flesh Tearers army. It was my first serious attempt at a Blood Angels Codex force and has been bubbling in the cauldron of my mind for a while.The main thrust of the army is assault. Not surprising to...
by slayersamelia | Feb 24, 2012
Okay, so I admit it... yet again I've changed my mind army-wise. This always happens (and I'm a bit jaded about it now!) and yet I plod on with the best intentions as always!So... where are my Necrons? Well... ebay at some point I think! Yes, in the end I didn't enjoy...
by slayersamelia | Jan 11, 2012
Been a while people! Essentially between winding down from Throne of Skulls, Xmas and Star Wars the Old Republic, my 40k time has ground to a halt. But now, with the New Year in progress it's back to the gaming tables and time to get gluing my Necrons!In addition to...
by slayersamelia | Nov 7, 2011
As promised, here are some of the pics from the October Throne of Skulls!!The game against the Deathwing went very well. Towards the end of turn 3 there were only a few Terminators left... and my wing of skimmers made a very imposing sight!Turn 4 saw Belial and his...