Army Building: Popping the Bubble Wrap

Back in Feb I did a post about Building a Brick Wall in which I discussed my thoughts on how to give my army some defense. I wanted something decent as a wall, that could act as bubble wrap for my tanks etc. but could take some punishment. TH/SS fitted this bill...

Campaign Battle: Emperor’s Word & IGuard vs DE & CSM

The final battles of the Campaign were set to be 2v2's and with the Imperial forces losing quite significantly in areas held going into it, the only chance to win the campaign was to win all three of the 2v2's...Only two of the remaining three campaign games were...

Army Building: Utilising Urien

So Urien Rakarth...There are several reasons I want to use him:1. He looks cool2. He's the best Haemonculus there is3. He's got some interesting rules and wargear (I love the concept of Clone Fields from both a gaming and modelling point of view)Now whilst I consider...

Army Building: Dark Eldar… In the Beginning…

With my Marines effectively finished, barring minor highlighting here and there, it is time to move onto my next Project which will be the Dark Eldar.Why Dark Eldar? Well I have to confess it is an army that as of the previous version I had no interest in. At least...

Painting: The Emperor’s Word

Here are the long promised pics of my forces from my recent game vs Necrons. It does give some idea of the army and how I've gone about painting it. Still a lot of topping and tailing to do, but they are a joy to play on the battlefield - and if anything last nights...