A couple Dark Eldar army lists…

I haven't had the chance to play many games with my Dark Eldar yet, but I still want to share my thought on the couple lists I've been playing with.A general note: all lists were built for friendly games, you wan't find Venom Spam here. Besides, I wouldn't have the...

Heroes of Armageddon

Not a real update ; things have slowed down considerably now that I've started working again, and I don't want to start painting yet anyway, as I promised myself to finish painting my Blood Angels jumpers army first. I did get some games with the Dark Eldar but didn't...


More unpainted stuff! This time Reavers. I love those guys, and even though I'll probably always run the trusted 6 Jetbikes with 2 Heat Lances setup, I magnetized all the options. Here are the pics: A standard bike... ... which can be changed to an Arena...

A simple Archon conversion

A pretty simple conversion again. I changed my mind a few times with him: I originally built the Archon with just the Agoniser, Blast Pistol and Phantasm Grenade Launcher, and then decided to magnetize the PGL and the pistol.This morning while looking in my bitz box...

Converted trueborn squad with blasters

It seems no Dark Eldar army isn't complete without its 3-men blaster squads... I've made 2 squads of them, each with 3 blasters.Conversion-wise, it was pretty straightforward: Helmets are from the Wyches and the Reavers spruesBlades from Dark Eldar Corsairs weapons...