Take this!

Hey all..  i've gotten a little more work done on my Malifaux McCabe crew..  I haven't had much time as we are fulfilling our Kickstarter and that is me getting up every 20 to 30 mins to switch out boards and pack them up. That makes it tough to get into a...

Down and Dirty

 Hey hey ... I haven't just been working on Malifaux models, I've been working on some 40K stuffs but really haven't had much time and weathering takes time ..  it's apply this wait a while and then do the next step. Realize you forgot to do a step and them...

Ugly…. Ugly…..Ugly..

 Still crazy busy but I got some work done on Killjoy. I wanted him to look nasty and bloody. I'm pretty happy with his look. There are a couple of other things that could be done but for the table he's solid and ready to chop up some suckas. Tonight I'll be...

Only mostly dead..

 So .. I've actually been able to get some painting done .. It's been awhile and then I've had to jump back in with reckless abandon. I'm going to be playing in a Malifaux Tourney this weekend and then going to be playing again two days after that. I haven't...

Time Keeps on Slipping…

Hey all,.. been awhile..  every time I thought I'd be able to post something ,. something else jumped in and ate up that time. I've been pretty busy getting ready for our Black Maria Designs Kickstarter.Black Maria Designs Kickstarter  <--- If you are...