Hobby Update – Space Marines

Hobby Update – Space Marines

Before I let you know about my future projects I just want to have a quick update of what i have been doing in the last few weeksFirst I had a very successful Worcester War tournament which I won! While I scored lots of points and tabled 1 opponent and nearly a second...

Worcester War Preparation

The 3 week countdown has begun to Worcester War. Normally I would be frantically painting or buying things to use in the tournament Here is my list of last minute paint:Carnage 2009, buy and paint an army in 2 months, and learn how to play 40kNorwich Tournament 2009...

Gaming Table

no modelling update of the miniature variety, but i have built myself a games table! i had built myself one last year with some rather thick chip board  but it was far too heavy to move around and not particularly good for...

SVA round up

First here is a picture of my biker list: i just completed it in time for SVA, despite being let down by online retailers i managed to paint up the 2 storm talon in a week these performed really well over the weekend and i will look forward to using them in the future...

Merry Christmas

Here is my First fully painted bike squad I just need to get a base for the Attack bike. my review of the year.....GREAT! 2 strong showings at tournaments with my drop pods. Beating the all conquering ORK KAN army in the process. Getting a lot of my back log...