1850pts 40k Battlewagon Ork’s Tournament List

Hello all Over the last few weeks I have been playing battlewagon orks and I'm going to another tournament next week in Northern Ireland, and this is what I'm thinking about taking. I think it will give me a number of potential threats on the tabletop for my opponent...

My Orc Blood Bowl Team Salute Of The Jugger

 I took these pictures at a tournament that I ran recently, and I thought it was about time that I show them off. I suppose the most noticeable improvement is that I've recently painted ring bases with their appropriate colour, of their position, which makes it a...

My Squarer Space Hulk Terminator Bases Scratch Built

For me space hulk, is a game that I have not played very often over recent years, something that hopefully in the near future is going to change. I never really did like the terminators not having their own unique bases, and so the plan was very simple to make and...

My Custom Blood Bowl Pich

I actually finished this project some time ago but I have only recently had the time to actually post it, on my blog for everyone to see. It's probably one of  the projects that I am most proud of, and it really does make the game standout. I think in the future...