Taurox 02

This week has been a mix of building on Opus and getting some base layers done on the Taurox. So far it has mainly been drybrushing and washing. Not to much to say really. I am happy with how it is turning out. Once I am done with theses layers I will go in with some...

Primaris Deathwatch Desolators – Done!

 Hello one and all!This weeks offering to the Hive is 10 Deathwatch Primaris Space Marine Desolators. These guys have been altered, from the Nerf gun welding marines, to something more stylish in my eyes.I had thought of moving the main missile weapons to the...

Book Nook – Fairy Village

Today something completely different. My wife's autumn project (with a little input from me 😁). She made a Book Nook diorama in a few evenings. I think it's worth showing it to you because maybe it will inspire someone :)Dzisiaj coś całkowicie innego....

Soooo…what would you call this?

 Cross contamination perhaps?I just painted this as 1-off for my own amusement. That said, after looking back on this here blog, this is the first marine that I've painted since May, and the first here in South Carolina. Ironically, it is well camouflaged for the...

Battlemasters Tower (Part 3)

 Continuing from Part Two, I finally made progress on this thing by painting the doors. Adorable huh?These doors were left in their original black primer for a few years now. The idea was that I would simply dry brush them in a gray and call it done. Only...

Necron Dynasty – Destroyer Cult Re-Based

Hello Overlords, since the Lokhust Heavy Destroyers came out, the change of base from the clear flying stands to the terrain bases is something I liked a lot. So, I made plans to change the entire Destroyer Cult to the new style bases. They look much better together...