Silver Bayonet – Baba Zoya

This dark Winter's eve I bring you Baba Zoya, grandmother to all the lost souls of Morozov's command.A devoted sister to the great mother, Baba Yaga, Zoya is nonetheless a powerful witch in her own right. The souls of the dead vie to light her way to the Sabbath, such...

Single Sareanian Infantryman

The 5th Sareanian Light Infantry are the Divisional Recce Regt for 902 Div of XVII Korps.  We're looking at a single model from the ones already completed for me by Pirate Viking Painting years ago. He's wearing a flectarn camo pattern uniform and panzer...

Seven Days to the River Rhine Bonus Round: the Leclerc

Now that we’ve figured out how to point out a Swedish S Tank, with all its weird little special rules and edge cases, let’s try with something more modern: the French Leclerc main battle tank. Why? Because Battlefront has just come out with models for it,...