Dreadtober 2024: Leviathan with Decals

Progress report on my Dreadtober project: a World Eaters Leviathan. Here, I have got to the stage of applying all of the decals to the miniature. I can now get a really good sense of what the finished miniature is actually going to look like. The miniature looks...

World Eaters Terminator with Power Maul

The conversion from yesterday is now fully painted! This is a World Eaters terminator decked out in the pre-heresy colour scheme for the legion, but also replete with a lot of dirt and blood to give it a grime filled, mid-action look. The decals are direct from...

Warmachine: Horruskh and Butcher!

 Finished up my next two casters today:Horruskh the Thousand FacesOrsus the Betrayed (Butcher!)Cant wait to use these two in games, far more my brutal direct approach to Warmachine than the others... Horruskh in particular is quite a simple caster to use so will...

WeeMen at Titan Owners Club UK Walk 2024

Last weekend Lord TITANium and myself attended the UK Titan Owners Club main Walk, with over 150 God Engines and numerous Knights battled over 4 battle mats in two Halls. Great fun was had all weekend, and we look forward to the next Titan Walk!The motley bunch of...

Tartaros Terminator with Power Maul / Mace

I've borrowed a little bit of inspiration - and bits - from the Dark Angels range for this terminator conversion. The basis is a normal Tartaros Terminator in plastic, but with a right hand swap for a Dark Angels power weapon. The difficult part of the conversion...

The Old World: Dragon Ogres

 Got these and a few other bits on release but only now found time for them:I was going to get two boxes but the skinwolves and warpfire dragon also needed a purchase haha.

Don’t dlvr.it

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been using dlvr.it to autopost my blogposts to my other social platforms since September 2017. As time has gone on the amount of channels has been reduced and I was left posting to Twitter and Threads. Now I was only...

PRO ACRYL (Monument Hobbies) – First look

Autumn has come, so it's time to get back to my hobby. Long evenings are not conducive to outdoor activities, so my gravel bike is used less during this period. For this reason, I decided to take a look at the recently popular PRO ACRYL paints from Monument...