Warmachine: Reaver Skirmishers

 Back after the LGT and a particularly savage week of work haha:The light melee version of the standard Reaver unit. I should have a couple of solos completed tonight then its on to the stuff i ordered from SFG as that showed up just before the LGT! 

Dreadtober 2024, chapter 1.

It is time again, Dreadtober, this annual opportunity to do something about the pile of two legged grey plastics hanging around the cupboard of shame. This year I will continue to work on my collection of Forge World robots for my Legio cybernetica in the form of a...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Clade Venenum Assassin

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️1.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Almost might and could be useful. But missing the mark very widely. Background.Masters of toxic alchemy and recruited by the Clades to become assassins by means of poisoning their enemies....

WeeMen at the London Grand Tournament Titan Walk

Titan Owners Club UK held a demonstration game at the London Grand Tournament, held at Lea Valley Athletics Centre, north London, last weekend. Myself (Siph) and a few other UK Princeps had the opportunity to bring their Titans to pitch battle ahead of the Titan...

Dreadtober 2024: A Leviathan Year

I have decided to bite the proverbial bullet! I'm hopping in to Dreadtober 2024 this year in order to try to get a dreadnought fully painted up! The dreadnought has got its legs together and is assembled. But will I be able to make sufficient progress on it over...

Nowy Kill Team i brak chęci do malowania?

 No to chop!Troszkę mnie tu nie było a tym bardziej w formie pisemnej. Miałem małą przerwę przez wakacje i teraz, miesiąc po rozpoczęciu roku szkolnego nadal nie mogę się zebrać w sobie aby usiąść i pomalować dla przyjemności. Nie było po wakacjach takiego...

Ultramarines Redemptor Dreadnought (Part 1)

 I love this annual event (Dreadtober) as I usually get a really cool model built and completed for one of my factions. Two years ago I did an original Rogue Trader-era Space Marine Dreadnought (Furibundus). This year I will be revisiting that  theme by...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Clade Adamus Assassin

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️1.5/5 stars. Rounded down. I am unconvinced this one works, but I like the concept. Background.These assassins are the tradition blade masters of the clades. They are sword masters supreme and have a bit of martial...