Warmachine: Starting Orgoth!

Proper blast from the past haha... I've not played a game of Warmachine since 2016! With the news of Steamforged Games acquisition of the IP and manufacturing to occur in the UK a few of us have decided to get back involved.I went with the Orgoth as i love the lore...

Road to the Bokur Brawl, Part 3

Following up from my previous post, I wanted to provide an update, as I have passed one of my scheduled milestones. The goal was to paint up a 30-point recon list by the end of May, and I can report that I.... failed to accomplish this. I am sure this is not...

Bolt Action: Moar Slovak Paratroopers and ready for V3!

Had a bit of time today in between decorating jobs and got the last of my Slovak Paras completed ahead of a game on Wednesday:That takes me to 1600pts painted, not bad for two months of painting... and more than some of the other club guys who have been playing for...

Adeptus Titanicus – Titans in Manufactorum – Yellow

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #AdeptusTitanicus Titans. With my base colours in place it was time to bring the yellow. This is Instar Paints 'vinatge' IV-16, which is a copy of the old Citadel Foundation Iyanden...