Otty’s Tyranids

Afternoon #Warhammer Community Marc wanted more pictures of Otty's nids, so here we are: I like big bugs and I cannot lie.Or bigger!Little bugs are cool too, but so are those converted Hive Tyrants.A plethora of Warriors.Carnifex.A tide of gaunts.An endless...

Monster Tauros done

A new year has begun and I really would have liket to finish this model before Christmas, as it was almost done. However, a lot of other things came in-between, and the hobby time I did manage to spend really did not lead up to anything worth postning so far (mostly...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Horus Aximand

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars. Little Horus comes the the Heresy wracked with haunted guilt about the side he has chosen, and armed with Mourn-It-All which is fantastic. A very fluffy choice for...

6000 – Arbitrary milestone of the week

Afternoon #Warhammer Community my most recent arbitrary milestone is 6,000 and it's all about you, well mostly you and a bit of me - it's comments! Yes this little blog has generated over 6,000 comments, from compliments to critique, rules debate to advice on my print...

Mechanicum – Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata

Happy New Year!Hello Tech-Adepts, welcome back. This week I have another Mechanicum offering for 30K, which I must get around to play at some point. This was repainted from a Moriax scheme but I preserved the chequered shoulderpad as it looked great and I like to...

World Eaters – Half Terminator Squad

One half of my World Eaters terminator squad today!This is the "ranged" half of the squad with standard combi-bolt guns. The other armaments are either power mauls from the Dark Angels range, or chain fists from the terminator range. The gaming purpose is to give...

2025, and a 2024 retrospective

Happy New Year to all my readers - long term and those just joining me!The past year was busy for a variety of reasons, not least with the slow and steady releases for the Horus Heresy. I aimed to complete an Emperor's Children allied detachment which I happily...

Drakkar Rider AD750

In the new year 2025 I'm coming to you with photos of a model painted in 2018. I never wanted to take proper photos of some of my works from those years. Maybe not proper but "as is" :) I'm making up for it now and I'll go back to some old works....