Primaris Lt. In Phobos Armor

 Do I really need another Primaris Lieutenant? (Does anybody?) Well, yeah, I do. This particular guy will fit in nicely with my Reivers as well as the Eliminators unit I constructted alongside this guy. They were finished during the March For Macrage challenge,...

Tiny Leg Ends DKK sappers

You'll recall me mentioning that Tiny Legends also produced a DKK Engineer kit.  This is half of the kit put on to Anvil bodies. All of the comments and observations I made about the Grenadier kit hold true here as well.  This guy is digging with his...

Horus Heresy: Alpha Legion Characters

 Completing the army project prior to it being moved on:Legion Praetor and Armilius DynatExodus (2nd one as non unique character)Alpharius (Or Omegon?)Glad they are all done, i did enjoy this project but the game isn't for me sadly.

Horus Heresy: Lernaean Terminators

 Blast from the past! I've sold my Alpha Legion army to a friend but i need to finish off the last few bits for him before passing the army on. Here's the squad of Lernaean Terminators finished:I've got Alpharius, Armilius Dynat, a Praetor and Exodus to complete...

Adeptus Titanicus – Titans in Manufactorum – Base colours

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #AdeptusTitanicus Titans. Decision time - usually the stumbling block of many a project, but with one Reaver already the first step was to just not repeat what was on that titan. I wanted...

Hobby Streak – Road to 1,200 Days

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 And so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed; this one took me from March 6th to June 13th. 1,200 Days on a Hobby Streak My goals were… Iron Warrior Tactical Marines Sentinel Diorama – Done! Necromunda models...

My first finished models since the move!

 o/Huzzah!I can't say that they're the first minis to be totally painted here in South Carolina, because I started them (and another half dozen of their Coftyran counterparts) while packing up in Tennessee. That said I did take some time off from unpacking (my...

Battle Report- World Eaters vs Votaan

This week's game sees the World Eaters take on the Leagues of Votaan in a 2000 pts UKTC game. After a random draw of the cards, we were playing Priority Targets on Search and Destroy, with secret intel (can draw an extra secondary card). My army consisted...