Merkava Diorama – Part 4

Hi everyone,So August has come and gone - and thank God for that!  I swear that with all the heat and humidity, I did not do anything hobby-wise, nor did I have the energy to do so. I was simply living in a lethargy bubble; oblivious off everything and...

Merkava Diorama – Part 3

Hi everyone,Just came back from my break, and believe it or not, I feel even more tired than before - especially with this heat wave we're living through.Despite the sweltering heat and the unbearable humidity, I have managed to overcome my lethargy and sit down and...

Merkava Diorama – Part 3

Hi everyone,A short one this week since I am off for a pre-summer holiday.  Since I work in the hospitality industry, summer is off limits as far as holidays are concerned.Well, I have continued with the Merkava diorama, but due to my tight schedule I ended up...

Merkava Diorama – Part 2

Hi everyone,Today I want to continue discussing another product I bought for this diorama- the scene.As I mentioned last week I bought a middle eastern scene set from A Czech company called Black Dog at a sale a sale price from Hannants.The set is really nice and...
WW2 Diorama – 5 – Finished!

WW2 Diorama – 5 – Finished!

Hi everyone,I am glad to say at last that my little WW2 diorama - christened Germans at Rest is finally ready!  Although I did not enjoy this as much as my other projects, mostly due to the overly small scale, I am nonetheless very satisfied with it. ...