Merkava Diorama – Part 9 Finished

Hi everyone,I have finally put the whole thing together, and I can now say that the project is finally finished.  It was a long road.  I had several pitfalls along the way - the oversized miniatures and the undersized building the main problems.  In the...

Merkava Diorama – Part 8

Hi everyone,A quick update on the painting of the IDF soldiers for my Merkava diorama.  I have managed to find the time to paint up 3 models since last week.The first two I finished were the soldiers walking on patrol.  The painting is based lightly on...

Merkava Diorama – Part 7 The Figures

Hi everyone,So I am  finally back to finish this diorama - which let's face it - is very long overdue.  The problem I had this time was the figures.The figures I originally bought for it were slightly on the larger side of the 1/72 scale and also...

Merkava Diorama – Part 6 A Quick Update

Hi everyone,A quick update on my Merkava diorama.  I have finally finished the turret and I will soon start on the figures.I added some extra weathering on the scene with a bit of soot inside the building to simulate burning and give it that sense of...

Merkava Diorama – Part 5

Hi everyone,Today I have a short update about my long-abandoned Merkava diorama.  I remember I got stuck with the turret, so I had to put it aside.I have manage to get around it now, so I decided to get back in to it.  It will be finished by the end of this...