Bookshelf: Comic Review- 2000AD Finn

Hey we are back again for a comic review! This time it is the turn of Finn Book One. I have fond memories of Finn and was glad to pick up a free copy of Finn Book one. Set in modern day times Finn is a modern day version of Slaine (who I have a love hate relationship...

Bookshelf: Audiobook Review- Death Trap

Welcome back to another Bookshelf Review. With work being so busy this time of year, I sometimes struggle to find time to read. But there is always time to listen, be it in the shower or on a bus. So with that in mind I turn our reviews over to the audio books. Lucky...

Bookshelf: Comic Review Harke and Burr.

Time for a quick bookshelf comics review, this time it is a free comic that came with Judge Dredd Meg 350.Harke & BurrWhere Monsters meet misfits!The Cursed Earth is a strange and dangerous place, full of bizarre relics and even more bizarre collectors. Likeable...