Bookshelf: Comic Review Harke and Burr.

Time for a quick bookshelf comics review, this time it is a free comic that came with Judge Dredd Meg 350.Harke & BurrWhere Monsters meet misfits!The Cursed Earth is a strange and dangerous place, full of bizarre relics and even more bizarre collectors. Likeable...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- 2000 AD Showcase Bradley is Out!

Hey readers just finished another comic, yes I do realise my bookshelf is just full of comics and no books. Believe me I am trying to sort this, but I have just been on a real 2000 AD drive. So today's comic is a 2000 AD Showcase: Bradley is Out! Which I picked up for...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Anderson The PSI Files Volume 2

Welcome back followers for another comic book review. This time it's all about Judge Anderson and the PSI Files Volume 2. The first volume which I reviewed earlier can be found here and is worth a read, so follow the Link.Just like the previous book, this volume...