10.2.13 Training

Dead LiftsGot some good pulls in today. Body weight this morning at 276.5lb after breakfast. Looks like I can make 275lb class at Oct 12 meet without too much trouble.DL's135x5225x5225x5315x3365x1405x1455 x 3 x 6 sets315 x 3 x 2 high pulls225 x 3 x 2 higher pulls135 x...

2013 Training Note

I am starting to get a handle on work and will begin to post regularly again.I have been making it to the gym regularly, about 4 days per week on average. Body weight is floating around 275lbs.I have some new Personal Records (PR's) listed in right hand column.I am...

Training 4.3.13 to 4.9.13

A quick training update. Looking forward to my heavy phase for next 2-3 weeks.4.3.13 Front Squats and Shoulders  Body Weight 278lbWarm UpsFront Squats (with Safety Bar): 245lb x 8, 8; 295lb x6, 6, 5Standing Overhead Press: 195lb x 5, 5, 5Stiff Legg Dead Lift:...

Training: 3.22.13 to 4.2.13

Time for a training update. Training is going good. Feel like I am making steady progress again. Enjoy: 3.22.13 Bench n Back: Bdy weight 282lbWarm UpsFlat Bench Press: 320 x9, 9 (PR’s)Pendlay Barbell Rows: 275lb x 10, 10, 10Incline Bench Press:...

Training Update: 3.11.13 to 3.21.13

So, here is the regular update and some anecdotal information for those interested.3.12.13 Dead LiftsWarm Ups: 135 x 8, 8  225 x 8, 8 315 x 8, 8 405 x1, 1·         I alternate conventional and sumo on my warm upsDead Lift:...