Odds and Ends

Tidying things up at the end of the year, I find a few photos sitting around that I have yet to share. Some are old bits of work refreshed, others are wholly new. Without further ado, here we go. First off, a huge load of hedges I made some months back. Quantity was...

Sandbags a la The Terrain Tutor

Inspired by the ever-excellent Mel, I made a handful of experimental bits of sandbags, some for 28mm, and others for 15mm. I based them on his Youtube video, which you should check out. They've turned out pretty nicely, and I mean to make some more. I'm going to make...

The Bear Clan: – Part 3

Hi everyone,I have now finished the painting on the were bears.  While the bears were painted in slightly different shades of medium brown, I painted the were-bears tan and black in order to make stick out, but first I had to prime the models a neutral gray and...

The Bear Clan: – Part 2

Hi everyone,I am back with more work on the Bear Clan.  The first figures I decided to paint up are the rank and file bears - if that makes any sense!These were frankly very easy to paint up and they were ready in an afternoon.The painting was quick and...

Palladian Grav Troopers – Fallschirmjäger in 40K

As recently promised, here are some pictures on a project my brother and I have been working on recently.  The idea is a Fallschirmjäger-themed Imperial Guard force, focusing on ground combat as elite light infantry rather than the parachute element.  Full disclosure...