Distractions (Again!)

I really am far too easily distracted. As much as I want to press on and get my 1000 point campaign army done and painted for the end of the current campaign leg on Monday night, I got somewhat sidetracked with building units for the next stage of the campaign...

Hobby Epithany

As well as finishing up Damokai (see last post) I've also been working on my Breacher Squad for him to hunker down in.I think this squad may actually win a prize for time spent between start and completion. I started them not long after Age of Sigmar came out. I...

Finished a model!

I've been really terrible in posting on here over the last month or so. There's no excuse for it really. I've just been feeling too lazy to write blog posts!That doesn't mean I haven't been hobbying though. I pushed on after my last post and managed to finish up...

Finished a model!

I've been really terrible in posting on here over the last month or so. There's no excuse for it really. I've just been feeling too lazy to write blog posts!That doesn't mean I haven't been hobbying though. I pushed on after my last post and managed to finish up...

30k Blackshields in Pariah Armor

o/The best of the bunch I think.I really like the idea of blackshield marines for 30k. For those not familiar, Blackshield Marauder squads are kinda like 40k CSM squads weapons wise, as the Blackshields can't have tactical squads. They variety of options is...