Wonky Times..

 Last week I was working on the Sicaran.. I was blending out the black shades and after doing that I cleared it many times and let it dry for a day. Thinking it should be ok I masked off the area I wanted to have the white line. Well.. when I started to chip the...

Some wee little pirates…

o/Pic from their website and entirelytoo well painted and clean to beone of my paint jobs!Aways back, I ordered a single 'fantasy pirate' (which just happens to have the same build/stature of a Grymn) from Hasslefree minis. This order took what seemed like an...

Still plodding along on the 30k front…

o/These three are the latest painted editions to my 30k Salamanders & Outremar (Imperialis Auxilia) army. Nothing fancy, just a bolter grunt along with two lascarbine grunts. One thing of note is the Iron Warriors debris on the Outremar bases.Whilst armed, armored...

Custodes – Wrapping up final details

While at NOVA Open I picked up a Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought which I've been eying since it's release. I may be picking up a Coronus Grav Carrier soon as well, so I'm pretty excited to get some Custodes infantry on the table top. I had done the majority of...

Saturday night at NOVA Open is complete

We just wrapped up Saturday night of NOVA Open and it's been amazing. I got to take classes with Roman from Massive Voodoo, paint an unbelievable amount of minis for the 30k Team Tournament, where our team "Two fools who laugh at death" (if you don't know the...