Low Effort Hobby

I've been feeling a bit burned out on hobby, after nearly three months of being ridiculously productive. I'm not sure if it's just I've been a bit busy with work, or that with Pokemon Internationals coming up my mind's just been elsewhere. Either way, I've not been...

Terminators Done

Despite grumbling about how long they were taking in my last post, my Terminators actually ended up coming together really quickly over the weekend. The end result turned out rather excellently I reckon. I was a little concerned when the transfers started to go on...

Going Purple

It would seem that I can either be really good at getting stuff done or getting posts up in a timely manner, but never both.As I mentioned a little while back, I recently had a week and half of work and not much to fill it with, so I cracked on with some hobby. I...

Merry Kratos to all…

 ...and to all a Good Fight!Y'all know you just LOVE 40k Christmas puns!This is kinda like an Iggy Demolisher in that the big, intimidating gun hits like a truck, assuming it actually gets in range. Despite having a barrel that's 4.5" long, it only has a 36"...

Keeping up to date and moving forward

In my last post I talked about my hobby mojo coming back and said I'd post again soon. Don't worry, it hasn't abandoned me already, I just wanted to have something completed to show you guys before I put anything up. Work had other ideas though. I've been ridiculously...