
Another addition to the backlog in the gallery. This time a model completed in 2019. "Snorri" in 54mm scale from Nocturna Models.Kolejne uzupełnienie zaległości w galerii. Tym razem model ukończony w 2019 roku. "Snorri" w skali 54mm od Nocturna...

Drakkar Rider AD750

In the new year 2025 I'm coming to you with photos of a model painted in 2018. I never wanted to take proper photos of some of my works from those years. Maybe not proper but "as is" :) I'm making up for it now and I'll go back to some old works....

INBOX082 – INNA (RN estudio MS006)

This time it will be a little different. No text, only pictures. Quick INBOX of another figurine lying in my wardrobe... "INNA", 54mm scale from RN estudio.Tym razem będzie trochę inaczej. Zero tekstu tylko obrazki. Szybki INBOX kolejnej figurki zalegającej...

INBOX080 – Don Cerveza (Phlegyas Art)

While cleaning the blog I found a lot of old reviews of figurines that I haven't published yet. These are mostly articles that I started writing even 4 or 5 years ago! In order not to get dusted in the "Drafts" section, I decided to publish them...