Commission: Absolver Characters

Commission: Absolver Characters

I recently completed a small commission (okay, extremely late birthday present) for Dardreg Gargant. I painted up a few characters, trying to match his paint scheme. First up is a Librarian. Dardreg wanted metallic blue armor to match the rest of the army with their...

The Absolvers: A Fluff Overview

The Absolvers are a fleet based chapter from the 17th Founding.  They were created with strong ties to the Inquisition, and they serve as a reserve force that may be called upon by any Deatchwatch teams or Ordo Xenos Inquisitors. They are generally only summoned...

Dardreg Gargant: The Absolvers

To commence my return from break (March 11, 4 days early), my primary goal is to finish an army.  I’ve been playing this game for a long time, and I haven't successfully accomplished this task, ever.  I am not talking about “living armies” that you just keep...