Beers with Pep: Brew Review: GLB Octopus Wants to Fight! IPA

Welcome once again to a brew review! I'm happy to writing about and drinking a big favourite of mine today. Great Lake Brewery's Octopus wants to Fight IPA. Now I orginally tried this beer at the Ottawa Beer Festival in 2015, but had to wait till 2016 to find it in...

Beers with Peps: Brews review- Mikkeller Nelson Sauvignon

Welcome drinkers to this rainy Sunday night here in Ottawa. Today we are looking back to a great beer I had about this time last year- according to the notebook, it it shocking how badly behind I am in blogging my notes. This beer as far as I know can't be found in...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout

Welcome everyone to the final few backlogged beer posts. After these I will be update with consolidating the blogs and can then close down the old blog for good. And what a beer to start today off with then with my favourite stout of 2015. First tried this beer at...

Beers with Peps: Brew Review- Brewdog Punk IPA

Came as a bit of a surprise to see a logo from the old country in the LCBO. I had seen Punk IPA on tap in a few places, but had let to see it in a take away format. It now seems LCBO are stocking it regularly (well regularly for them at least). This is a nice change...