Death Watch Kill-team Blood Angels Sternguard

After building my Salamanders Sternguard vet for the Badab Death Watch contest, I decided that I needed to have an entire kill-team.  It also helps that my FLGS is running a regular kill-team event. I've got two other built, one more halfway done, and bits for a few...

Stormraven ‘Deliverance of Wrath’

Click to enlarge Still a work in progress as I've got a few lenses and the Bloodstrike missiles to paint up, but looking pretty good.  This was my second, half-finished Stormraven decked out in red, but since I was playing around with the idea of a two-Raven list and...

Stormraven Plasma Cannon Turret

While I like the general look and feel of the Stormraven, I kind of hate the look of the turret and hot-rod style ramscoop on the back.  Why does it need a servitor? A Land Raider doesn't need a servitor to fire an extra weapon.  The Machine Spirit is strong without...