Eldar Bane, err I mean Illic Nightspear Completed

Eldar Bane, err I mean Illic Nightspear Completed

Feels great knocking down the models I've had at my place since before summer.  Looks like quite soon my plate will be clean with me feverishly chasing spiders in my apartment to paint them, as I've ran out of models to paint.  Wish that was true. ...
[Análisis] ForgeWorld. LO MEJOR y LO PEOR del 2013

[Análisis] ForgeWorld. LO MEJOR y LO PEOR del 2013

Hola a todos!Como ya hicimos con el 40K y el Fantasy, que tuvieron sus correspondientes entradas para seleccionar LO MEJOR y LO PEOR que se lanzó para ambas gamas durante el transcurso del año, vamos ahora a pasar a elegir lo que ha dado de sí el año para los chicos...
Iron Hands Chapter Tactics and Characters

Iron Hands Chapter Tactics and Characters

The Iron Hands are traditionally the First Founding Chapter that GW ignores. Their position is a bit better in this edition, as they have specific Chapter Tactics even if they are still missing out on named characters. The Iron Hands Chapter Tactics specialize in...
Forgeworld Official Blog and 1st Cptn of the Death Guard

Forgeworld Official Blog and 1st Cptn of the Death Guard

Forgeworld is going to start an official blog. I am guessing it will operate much like White Dwarf Daily, but it will off a new and interesting means to offer more contact with the community. Along with Games Workshop Facebook, we are receiving much more interaction...