by a Sent One | Jan 3, 2014
Feels great knocking down the models I've had at my place since before summer. Looks like quite soon my plate will be clean with me feverishly chasing spiders in my apartment to paint them, as I've ran out of models to paint. Wish that was true. ...
by uniteallaction | Jan 3, 2014
I might as well start by saying this is my first post of the new year, and of course wish you all good and a positive gaming 2014. Recently I've been playing a lot of legendary, and I decided to purchase some hobby supplies and sleeving 550 cards isn't exactly fun,...
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 3, 2014
The Iron Hands are traditionally the First Founding Chapter that GW ignores. Their position is a bit better in this edition, as they have specific Chapter Tactics even if they are still missing out on named characters. The Iron Hands Chapter Tactics specialize in...