by xNickBaranx | Jan 8, 2014
Four new prototype board sections that I'm using to play test Scenario #2.I finished the rough draft of the rules to Broken Contract back in November. I've made tweaks here and there since then as I've gotten feedback from friends, but most of the tweaks I've...
by xNickBaranx | Jan 6, 2014
This is another tiny blurb from the rough draft of the game I'm working on called Broken Contract. Previously I posted the Introduction to the background, as well as blurbs about Breakers (laborers who break their work contracts and flee indentured servitude) and...
by xNickBaranx | Jan 1, 2014
Broken Contract prototype board sections for the first scenario in the game, honed after a bunch of solo play testing. These board sections are 8"x10" so that they can also fit on a normal scanner. Early last year I was very immersed in working with Hyacinth...
by xNickBaranx | Nov 24, 2013
I'm still working away on Broken Contract, the alpha test rule set is essentially ready. Here's a tiny blurb about Enforcers - the corporate sponsored bounty hunters of the Incorporated Worlds.EnforcersContract Enforcers are paid to bring fugitives back to...
by xNickBaranx | Nov 11, 2013
A few days ago I introduced the back story to a game I'm working on called Broken Contract. Today we're going to talk about one of the forces at play: Breakers. Though still a rough draft I want to point out that all of work I'm posting has gone past the eyes of...