Table Full of Promises

At the beginning of the year I was hooked on the idea of building a gaming table. Of course life robs us of time and many dreams, but in the back of my mind I kept that one on life support. When I was looking around the terrain area of the Privateer Press forums...

My Table of Nerdiness!!

So, 4 hours of construction and $94 in materials have crafted my table of awesome.  It's a 4'x8' table that actually folds in half and latches to the wall, making it store well and free up the room in my basement.  A special thanks to my father in law and...

And another break in time

So again, I have not posted in a few months.  Time always seems to get away these days, and more often than not its being stolen by work.  I haven't actually gotten a chance to build anything recently, heck I even have a model that was ordered that I haven't...