Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.7

But time flies... The seventh Toruń workshop at the City Library in Toruń is already behind us. I invite you to a short report.Ale ten czas leci... Siódme Toruńskie warsztaty w Książnicy Miejskiej w Toruniu już za nami. Zapraszam na krótką relację. READ MORE...

Framed LOTR Diorama (Part 2)

I've continued to work on the diorama over the past week. Every day I try to devote a moment to make the project move forward. Today, another report motivating me to take action :)Przez ostatni tydzień nadal pracowałem nad dioramą. Każdego dnia staram się...

Painting "Freeguild Cavalier Marshal" (SBS)

Another step-by-step chronicle of the process of painting the "Freeguild Cavalier Marshal" figure from Games Workshop. I call it a chronicle on purpose, because it is more of a report than a guide. However, I try to take as many photos as possible to create...

Gamers Grass: Basing Bits

Recently I have seen mentions of Gamers Grass products in many different places. This company produces not only the well-known tufts, but also ready-made bases for gaming miniatures, laser-cut plants and bits for bases and dioramas. I will take a closer look on those...

Shrubs in no time!

Here's a wonderful new item from Gamer's Grass which we have just gotten a chance to use for the first time.  These shrubs are excellent, easy to use and very tough.  For the moment, these are the various types, which can add instant foliage to any base.The...