by Mordian7th | Dec 5, 2017
Another three hours of work in after work today, and have called it finished for the big man himself. Well, he hasn't been sealed yet as the weather has taken a turn for the chilly and I absolutely don't want to take a chance on frosting the model at this point!A...
by Mordian7th | Dec 4, 2017
Ended up getting a fair bit of brush time in on Sunday afternoon and after work today, and got to what I'm thinking will be the penultimate session. One more good push and I should be able to carry him to the finish line!Added some subtle oranges and reds to the...
by Mordian7th | Dec 2, 2017
Quick hit this evening, only got a little brush time in today but it was enough to warrant a terrible pun!Got Horus's head painted up to the point where I can now consider mucking it up with OSL. Rather pleased with how it's come along so far and part of me is...
by Mordian7th | Dec 1, 2017
A box o' joy dropped on my doorstep a few days ago and after a good soak and scrub, the centerpiece for the Sons of Horus army takes the stage!Leaving his head separate for painting, the intent is to do some fiery glow from the interior of the armour, reflecting up...