A Bit More Cinematic

Almost everyone loves big explosions that don't happen to them in real life. Movies, literature, and tabletop games are full of notable examples. Warhammer 40K, 8th, has solid rules for vehicles (and some giant beasties) to go big when they exit the field due to enemy...

Kill Team Knights

Playing a game of just Knights against each other in 40K is a great deal of fun.Except when it isn't. Like when one side goes first and smokes half of your forces. Which is not that hard when you only brought four or five models.Kill Team (and many other games) deals...

Space Wolves for the new Kill Team

Space Wolf team converted from the Space Marine heroes line, with custom Wolf Scout.In the spirit of what I did with Special Operations Killzone for Kill Team 5th ed I am tinkering with the current much improved version of Kill Team. I want to push the more narrative...

40k Editorial: BAO +1

Hey everyone so just when you thought it was safe again here comes BBF to ruin your weekend... it's what I do.This past weekend was a major GT took place here in California - the Bay Area Open (BAO). So first the good news and it's really great news. GW released a new...

Shards of Anaris – updated campaign packet

Updated campaign packet with some player feedback (some thought the spawned gribblies were too strong/went too far afield) and idea for extra mission type. <!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--> 40K Campaign - The Shards of Anaris When Khaine slew Eldanesh, he...