Out in the field..

Out in the field..

 I finished up the Rangers last night so took a group shot of all the Rangers. I have one more I might paint up if I have time but I think they are looking pretty cool. I might change the one guy who has the bone colored rifle just to match him up, I originally...
Death in the Dark

Death in the Dark

 I finished up Illic the other night and I think he came out looking pretty good. It really is a cool looking model. Gave him a little extra detail as fits his station.. Though now looking at the pictures I may dull the edges of his cloak a bit .. they...
Stalking the Shadows..

Stalking the Shadows..

 I got hit by the hey I want to paint that feeling last night so I picked up Illic and started working on him. I had started him awhile back but really didn't get that far on him. I started to blend the leather on him and some of his cloak then moved onto his...

Steep Learning Curve..

This Saturday past I got in a test game for the new Dar Dex. I was really hoping to get some play time in with some of the new units I'm looking at, I even was rolling with other units not in the game to compare them with what was included. Mainly it was if there were...

Carry the one

Worked on Illic a little last night, mainly just got the base colors done. I took my Dad out for diner for Fathers Day so I only squeaked in a half an hour or so. He is a cool looking mini and I'm looking forward to getting him done. Weather he sees the table much...