Unplanned Rebasing

 Last year I built and painted the newest Ghazghkull model. What I didn't catch myself doing was painting the base in my new desert style, which means the Supreme Leader of All Orks had decided that green bases wuz out like bell bottoms. 'Cause Gaz is neva...

Last Two Death Guard

 It's such a good feeling to finally finish an army. I had 'finished' my Death Guard a while back, but these two characters were hanging out in the Pile of Grey, one built, one not. Now completeness reigns!I put them at the top of the list for the weekend...

Sons of Horus, Pt.II

 More tiny Marines! I have finished enough squads and Rhinos to form a combat company. The itsy-bitsy Rhinos have a bunch of parts, and require a bit of care to assemble. They do look great, and a have a few weapon/hatch options.More tanks to come! And I...

Sons of Horus, Small

 Back to the small scale! After some trials and lots of errors, I figured out how to paint my Epic infantry. A lot of people paint them on the sprues, but that was a bit klunky for me, and a few (tiny!) figures had to be assembled. Those Dreadnoughts are...

Star Destroyer, Large

 Imperial Star Destroyer. One of my all-time favorite starships (Galactica '78, Yamato, Enterprise-Refit, and the K'Tinga are the others in my top five). I have made a couple of the older plastic models, and I have the super fancy Bandai, and the big...