Shameless Self Promotion

I entered my Jetbike Farseer into Spikey Bits' Conversion contest. If you've got a moment, can you drop me some love in the form of a Facebook 'Like' here? I thank you in advance! As for this guy, I was kind of horrified by the way the transfer came out after I matte...

Stormraven ‘Deliverance of Wrath’

Click to enlarge Still a work in progress as I've got a few lenses and the Bloodstrike missiles to paint up, but looking pretty good.  This was my second, half-finished Stormraven decked out in red, but since I was playing around with the idea of a two-Raven list and...

Quick Tip: Basing

Hello All! daKing is back with another quick modeling tip. On this rainy day in Texas I am here to give some quick tips on basing models. I was complaining to my girlfriend just the other day that basing has to be the most tedious part of building and painting models;...

Vraksian Bloodthirster

When all else fails, convert a Forgeworld model.Yes, it has been a while since I posted here.  I enjoyed my summer vacation, and did very little painting or modeling.  Video games such as Dark Souls and Demons' Souls stole my focus for a few weeks, and...

Jet Battlewagon Complete!

If you haven't see it on youtube, here are pics of the completed battlewagon.Only took me 2 1/2 years.That is all.  See you next time.