WIP: Malifaux Neverborn

WIP: Malifaux Neverborn

I have been shocked at how quickly I have been able to get through painting my Neverborn models.  This is good because I have my Infinity models and a bunch of 40k stuff to work on.  I actually got more done than these pictures suggest but these are all I...

Hell Dorado: A Look at the Miniatures

Finally have some models to show you from the Hell Dorado I got before I left for vacation. Very cool models, and of course I was playing around with the video editor. So check them out, both Demons and the Westerners. Augustinus Raimond is by far one of my favorite...

The PAM Guide To: Scratch Building

Scratch building: the dark art of making things from nothing. Hard to master, but certainly a fun way to make your mark on the hobbying world. Whilst not always perfect, scratch-built models do create a higher sense of value than just building something from the box,...