Mur’Baj’s Marauders

Setting out for plunder, loot and the hope of raising himself further up the ranks of goblinhood, Mur'Baj has cajoled, enticed and beaten some other goblins to come with him.Mur'baj is the axe-wielding goblin in the centre of this shot, his sergeant Varnik is over...

Azog’s Vanguard & first BC match

It was a pleasant experience to finish this new Vanguard Force from Gundabad for the Battle Companies expansion. Painting 6 models in a row is something I can still do without getting too much distraction in between. I am pretty curious to see how the elite from Mount...

Companies of Battle

I am super excited regarding the upcoming release of the Middle-Earth Battle Companies book! Of course I preordered a copy and will go and fetch it next saturday. What an awesome excuse to start new projects, get them painted fast and even play with them shortly after...

Goƻrz the ambitious

The “Hobbit Tabletop Liga (HTL)” is the german answer to the “Great British Hobbit League (GBHL)“. And it’s going pretty strong these days. There are already lots of tournaments and events planed for the next year. The last couple of...

More from Moria

Now that I am used to my Goblin / Orc painting scheme again I finished three additional elite Orcs for my Moria army. We still have our LotR campaign going on and am (very slowly) getting to the higher points matches. Named characters are cool to field but I am right...