Huzzah! Airship progress!

 After a lot of work, I've finally managed to make some progress on the airship.I know it's not the clearest of pictures (Ill try and get some better ones tomorrow), but as you can see, the prow of the ship is finished and the sides are pretty much done as...

MMM – Becoming a Legend

Monday Morning Music, for a good start into your week. This time "Becoming a Legend" from John Dreamer:Have a good start into your week.So long,Paradox0n

And We’re Back! (?)

By TheGravemind Well, the blog has been dormant for about a year now. But I'm starting to get a good flow of 40k mojo back, and I've decided to open up the blog to some of the local guys as well. As you may notice to the side, we already have two additional authors. I...

House of Paincakes FTW!

Just this past weekend I joined the House of Paincakes Blog Network and yesterday my Chaos Sorcerer was number one on their weekly top 10! ....err I mean top six. Anyway I just wanted to offer them my thanks. It's so damn flattering when someone likes your work let...

Trouble on the Horizon: The WOW Sickness

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine turned out to be OK, the wife and I had a health scare that for now at least appears to be past us pending some check ups in a month or so. All in all it appears to have ended well but I'm still a little bit nervous.I was...