Multiverse Gaming Terrain Review by Steffen

Today we have a guest post from my friend Steffen. A look at some of the Multiverse Gaming terrain. Click on the images to view at full size.Steffen, over to you ....... (Hendybadger)I have recently fallen in love with Multiverse GamingTerrain and their amazing...

Building a Batcave!

As you may have guessed by now, I'm getting hooked on making boards for the Batman Minis game.So far there are 2 cities, an industrial district and a dockyard and asylum to come.Then Ian Alcock posted this up in the Arkham City Limits Facebook group...........A...

Board #2 – The Industrial District

You may have noticed recently that this blog and my posts on Wayland have been a bit quiet.This is due to that 'real life' thing happening and not having much free hobby time over the past few weeks. Everything should be back on track by next week hopefully...