War of Attrition

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes I made a mission called War of Attrition as a PDF. It is also included below. Both are the same, read/use whichever you find easiest. Check it out, try it and let me know how it goes. War of Attrition Markers – Gallery Flags...

Five Parsecs Turn 6: Money For Nothing

A combination of being busy and being sick has meant missing a couple scheduled games recently, and I’ve been wanting to actually see some of the cyberpunk terrain I’ve been working on on the tabletop…so this seems like a good time for another Five...

Five Parsecs Turn 5: The Crew’s First Loss

When we last left the crew of the Azure Dawn, they were about to embark on a mission for a VIP, Hiram Nox, escorting him to a dead drop in the rather unpleasantly crime ridden world of Nocarth. How’d that turn out? Well, as the title suggests…not well. The...

Five Parsecs: New Planet, Who Dis?

So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything 5 Parsecs related, because it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. There are reasons for that – everything is fine, but I’m also tired in my soul. And I’ve been (thankfully)...

NOVA Open 2022: Grognard Edition

I’ve recently gotten back from my first NOVA Open – and the first NOVA Open in a couple of years thanks to COVID-19. With a focus on Heresy and Specialist Games, rather than the more mainline GW games, how was the experience? The Itinerary This year has...