by Da Masta Cheef | Aug 21, 2023
o/The Emperor's shiniest...mere humans.This squad knocks off my first entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial conclave of 2023. Currently there is an Inquisitor (unrelated to this squad) in the works, but more on him at the end of month. I'm rather pleased with...
by Da Masta Cheef | Aug 7, 2023
o/Here's the latest on my entry for Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclave of 2023. See? I wasn't kidding when I said ugly!I've made it to the ugly part, where all of the colors have been applied and they're ready for all of the myriad of touchups needed before...
by Da Masta Cheef | Aug 3, 2023
o/The Elucidian Desert Striders?If so, then I'm guessing that those bits of machinery on their backs are portable air conditioners.This year I shall be working on a squad of the Blackstone Fortress' Voidsmen-at-arms for Neverness' Inquisitorial...
by Da Masta Cheef | Jul 10, 2023
o/Da Stooka!It's here! It's here! Perhaps this will shake off my 10th ed 40k malaise? We'll see. I've heard mostly good things, but not really interested in bothering with it at the moment. But that's not why you're here.No, you're here to see a photo dump of my...
by Da Masta Cheef | Nov 10, 2022
The ever wily Neverness during last weekend's game. Yes, he has a battle report in the works... So this week I painted...Actually I didn't do a damned thing right until I took the following photos and then wrote this post. Once again I have Papa Nurgle to...