Da Groop’s ARRRRRR Support!

 o/Da Stooka!It's here! It's here! Perhaps this will shake off my 10th ed 40k malaise? We'll see. I've heard mostly good things, but not really interested in bothering with it at the moment. But that's not why you're here.No, you're here to see a photo dump of my...

The weekly round up…

The ever wily Neverness during last weekend's game. Yes, he has a battle report in the works...  So this week I painted...Actually I didn't do a damned thing right until I took the following photos and then wrote this post. Once again I have Papa Nurgle to...

Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Sikh & Destroy (Part 2)

 o/The guy kneeling in back will actually be the loader for my already painted LMG gunner.Coming on the heels of assembling the last of my 30k Blood Angel infantry (still have a Kratos to go), I've been assembling my Sikhs for Bolt Action this week. I've had a...